Determining the right layout for a web site is really a tricky process. You have to check out theme websites and check out an endless number of comparable styles to find the one you prefer the most. We’ve tried to change it for you by including a collection of no cost layout themes to the Control Panel, which are readily available along with our cloud hosting plans. It includes over 800 one of a kind web site templates to select from. Many of them are made for our web hosting solutions solely and are not offered anywhere else. Each and every theme features auto set up and can be individualized to your liking.

So, here you can acquire a brand–new, one of a kind and also absolutely easy to customize site within a few mouse clicks.

800+ No Cost Layout Themes

100% customizable. Auto Installation

With Affordable Business Web Hosting - Giga Hosting, you will find a collection of over 800 no cost layout themes, built–in straight into the Control Panel. This will save you a lot of time in exploring third–party theme sites to find the correct template for your web site. You can get your template right out the Control Panel.

Affordable Business Web Hosting - Giga Hosting’s no cost layout themes are readily available using our Quick Web Site Installer as well as Affordable Business Web Hosting - Giga Hosting’s Site Generation Application. Each one of these tools works together with its own collection of designs, so you are able to take a look at both and decide on the most effective look and feel for your web site.

Free Website Themes

No Cost Web application Layout Themes

Get no cost layout themes for your next web app

Using the tools that you have available within the Affordable Business Web Hosting - Giga Hosting Control Panel, you can quickly begin a completely new Joomla site or perhaps a WordPress blog on your own. Also you can choose an attractive design for your web site out of a large choice of customizable themes.

You can find a completely new custom made template with the following applications: Wordpress, Joomla, Moodle (e–learning), Mambo (CMS) and 4Images (image gallery). Our templates are work with all releases of these applications and can be downloaded for free at any time.

Free App Themes

No Cost Site Builder Layout Themes

100+ thoroughly simple to customize no cost layout themes

With our Site Generation Application, you’ll be able to establish your future website totally free, and never have to spend money on web design. You’ve got at your fingertips over 100 different site themes, available in a variety of styles and palettes and which you may revise and individualize as you wish.

It is not necessary to comprehend anything regarding HTML or CSS so that you can change the appearance of the web templates. You have available the incorporated manager to accomplish everything. If you have ever employed a text–editing program, you’ll have no worries working with the manager.

Free Site Builder Themes