Increased MySQL queries

Host dynamic MySQL tables without problems

In case that your shared web hosting account cannot manage the CPU and MySQL consumption of your site, relocating to a Linux semi-dedicated hosting package may be the best option for you. You’ll get bigger CPU utilization and MySQL queries quotas for your websites to take advantage of.

Furthermore, with more MySQL queries readily available, you can have far more users utilizing your web apps or database-powered websites concurrently.

Increased MySQL queries

USA Data Center

A top-of-the-line USA data center

Affordable Business Web Hosting - Giga Hosting is partnering with a state-of-the-art data center found at the center of Chicago, Illinois. It provides the whole set of conditions that we require to set up our customized internal network with its specialized equipment parameters. The data center facility also has a fantastic assistance crew on duty day and night to keep track of the web server network and supply timely help in critical circumstances.

Also, it is worth noting that the data center in the US offers you fantastic network connectivity with the world. This guarantees the best web site loading rates for all websites and web apps working on the US Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages.

USA Data Center

Control Panel

Handle your sites with a single click of your mouse

It’s now as easy as pie to manage your sites with the cutting–edge Free Web Applications that we have assembled for you with ease of usage in mind. Handle your documents with smooth drag–n–drop actions, register, transfer and take control of a number of domain names from 1 area, make email addresses instantly, run subscriber list campaigns easily and quickly, set up and open your databases with a mouse–click, observe site statistics live, etcetera). Advanced programs such as a framework installer, an .htaccess generation tool and a hotlink protection application are provided too.

Control Panel

Increased CPU quotas

Considerably more power for your applications and sites

If normal shared website hosting accounts cannot support your CPU demanding web sites, than a semi-dedicated server is simply the alternative for you. With Affordable Business Web Hosting - Giga Hosting, you will receive a Linux semi-dedicated hosting package with significant CPU use allocations that will be equipped to support your websites and apps and stop them from going down in high usage times.

And also, since you only share the web server with several other customers, even when somebody surpasses their allocated CPU allocation, this will not impact the effectiveness of the web server.

Increased CPU quotas

NVMe Drives

Your webpage will be a lot faster with NVMe drives

All new desktops and mobile computing devices include NVMe drives and for a reason. NVMe drives deliver a lot faster reading/writing connections, making everything noticeably speedier. The very same will apply to your web page if you move it to us. All our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages are built with NVMe drives and the web sites hosted with us function faster than the ones functioning on regular computer drives.

And the best thing is that you don’t really need to change or adjust anything whatsoever to cause it to manage faster.

NVMe Drives

Web Accelerators

Use our services to make your website very fast

With Affordable Business Web Hosting - Giga Hosting, you don’t really need to eliminate code or to lower your website’s articles to allow it to be load much faster. Thanks to the Site Acceleration Tools (Varnish, Node.js and also Memcached) part of the Free Web Applications going with each offer, you can easily help make your webpage stream a lot quicker than ever before – you could make it 10–500 times better!

Web Accelerators

24x7 Support

Write to us night–and–day

You might contact us 24 hours with any issues that you may possibly have related to our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages. You can e–mail us via mail and through the ticket system and we’ll post back to you in about 60 min. In fact, our regular reply period is under 20 min. On trading days, you might phone us or use the live messaging support on our online store.

24x7 Support