Handling your digital communication with ease is ratherimportant, so if you create a personal or a business web site and you want to exchange e-mail messages with business partners or friends, it is important that you have quick and easy access to all the elements that an email service should include. Just a few examples are: autoresponders, e-mail forwarding and e-mail lists, as these attributes will be handy in your e-mail communication. You're able to save lots of time and efforts, in particular if you do not have a lot of practical experience but you'd still like to employ emails with your own domain name instead of a generic third-party email service. Private emails will look much more convenient and reliable whenever you get in touch with potential customers.
Antivirus Protection Shared Hosting
The Email Manager tool that is a part of our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel and that is featured with all of our Linux shared packages will give you full control over every aspect of your email communication. With only a few clicks you're able to do anything you'd like, ranging from basic tasks like creating/deleting a mailbox, forwarding emails or setting up anti-spam protection, to more complex ones such as using e-mail lists or activating SPF protection for a certain domain name that you host in your account. All the options are handily put together in one place and they are accessible by way of right-click context menus and instant access links using a very intuitive interface. Even when you have never had a web hosting account of yours before, you can take care of your e-mails efficiently and conveniently. In-depth help articles plus video tutorials which are available in the Email Manager will show you the most effective technique to do any kind of task.
Antivirus Protection in Semi-dedicated Hosting
We've set everything associated with your emails handily in a single place in the Email Manager section of our custom Hepsia Control Panel, therefore when you get a semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you'll be able to control your electronic communication effortlessly. In this particular section, you're able to see a full list of your mailboxes listed in alphabetical order, as well as whether any of them has anti-spam protection, forwarding or a catch-all option activated. If it doesn't, you can enable all of these options with just a click by using quick access buttons. You can even activate more complex features for instance e-mail lists and / or SPF protection. The Email Manager will allow you to use the webmail for any e-mail address with just a few clicks or to download auto-setup files for Outlook or Apple Mail.