A domain name is an easy-to-remember and distinctive web address that you'll be able to get for your website. It maps a numeric IP address that is used to distinguish websites and devices on the World Wide Web but it is incredibly easier to remember or distribute. Every domain name includes two parts - the specific name that you choose plus its extension. For instance, in domain.com, “domain” is known as Second-Level Domain and it is the element you're able to choose, while “.com” is the extension, that is known as Top-Level Domain (TLD). You're able to purchase your domain name via any accredited registrar company or relocate an active one between registrars when the extension can support this option. This type of a transfer does not change the possession of a domain name; the only thing that changes is where you are able to take care of the domain name. The vast majority of the domain extensions are open for registration by all entities, but numerous country-code extensions have particular conditions for instance regional presence or an active company registration.
Domain Registration/Transfer in Shared Hosting
Using our shared web hosting packages, you can register as many domain names as you'd like and control them easily. We partner with an ICANN-accredited registrar enterprise for a variety of domain extensions, which allows us to supply quick and reliable registration services. For various other extensions we collaborate with some of the leading companies on the market and because of this, you'll be able to register domains with over 50 extensions through your shared hosting Control Panel. If you get an account through us and you have domain names registered in another place, you'll be able to migrate them and manage them easily from one place along with your web hosting space. Renewals, Whois Privacy Protection, and custom-made domain records are just a few of the options that you can access for any of your domain names with just a few mouse-clicks using our feature-rich Domain Manager tool.
Domain Registration/Transfer in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With our semi-dedicated server solutions, you will be able to register as many domains as you would like and handle them in a single place along with your hosting account through our multifunctional Hepsia Control Panel. You're able to select from over fifty country-specific & generic extensions and since many of them have specific conditions to be registered, we'll give you a hand from the minute of your order up till the moment your domain names go live on the Web. When you currently have domains via some other provider and you want to host them with us, you can as well move them here because it'll be much more convenient to manage everything from just a single account compared to going through separate systems. We partner with an ICANN-licensed registrar, which means that we will offer you rapid registrations as well as lots of innovative domain management solutions.
Domain Registration/Transfer in VPS Web Hosting
We provide fast domain name registrations services, which means that if you would like to obtain a brand new domain name for your site, you are able to obtain it along with your virtual private server and it will be active a few minutes after that. We're an accredited registrar, which allows us to supply swift and top-quality registration services. You can register domains with more than 50 generic and country-specific TLDs, which means that you'll be able to choose a given extension according to the content material of your site or set up localised sites, each with its unique country-code extension. If you have already registered domain names via some other service provider and you want to host them on your brand new VPS, it may be far more convenient if you transfer them over - you will be able to manage everything in one location, not mentioning that we offer very affordable prices.
Domain Registration/Transfer in Dedicated Servers Hosting
Along with your dedicated server, you are able to register as many domains as you'd like and control them through your server’s billing Control Panel. We provide tens of country-code and generic TLDs that you can select from, which means that you can register the most suitable domain names based on the type of your web sites as well as the countries and regions that you want to targeted. We are a licensed registrar for a variety of TLDs, while for other extensions we partner with some of the largest registrars available on the market. This allows us to offer competitive rates, speedy registrations and outstanding management solutions. You can also move your present domain names and take care of them from one place with your dedicated server. We will renew them immediately after your transfer process is finalized.