The NS (Name Server) records of a domain name show which DNS servers are authoritative for its zone. Essentially, the zone is the group of all records for the domain name, so when you open a URL within a web browser, your PC asks the DNS servers world-wide where the domain is hosted and from which servers the DNS records for the domain should be retrieved. In this way a browser finds out what the A or AAAA record of the domain is so that the latter is mapped to an Internet protocol address and the website content is required from the correct location, a mail relay server detects which server deals with the e-mails for the domain (MX record) so that a message can be sent to the appropriate mailbox, and so forth. Any modification of these sub-records is performed through the company whose name servers are employed, allowing you to keep the web hosting and switch only your email provider for example. Every single Internet domain has a minimum of 2 NS records - primary and secondary, which start with a prefix like NS or DNS.
NS Records in Shared Hosting
Managing the NS records for any domain address registered within a shared hosting account on our cutting-edge cloud platform is going to take you merely seconds. Using the feature-rich Domain Manager tool inside the Hepsia CP, you're going to be able to change the name servers not just of one domain, but even of multiple domains at a time in case that you intend to point them all to the same webhosting provider. Identical steps will also allow you to forward newly transferred domain addresses to our platform since the transfer process won't change the name servers automatically and the domain names will still forward to the old host. If you need to create private name servers for a domain address registered on our end, you are going to be able to do that with only a couple of mouse clicks and with no additional charge, so if you have a company web site, for instance, it will have more credibility if it uses name servers of its own. The new private name servers can be used for forwarding any other domain to the same account as well, not just the one they are created for.
NS Records in Semi-dedicated Hosting
The name servers for any domain that is registered through us can be changed with no more than a few mouse clicks via the leading-edge, albeit easy-to-use Hepsia Control Panel that is included with all semi-dedicated server plans. It is just as effortless to see the current NS records for a particular domain name and to check if they're the ones that are necessary for the domain to be directed to your hosting account. The Domain Manager tool, which is a part of Hepsia, is user-friendly enough to permit you to manage any domain address easily even if you have never dealt with such matters before. If you would like, you can also register private name servers and and use them not just for the domain name under which they are created, but also for any other domain address that you would like to host inside the exact same account. This feature is very handy when you have clients of your own and you wish their web sites to use your own name servers in lieu of our default ones. The service is totally free.