Even though a standard shared hosting account is typically set up automatically, there are always some setup duties which are handled personally by the hosting company. Setting up a virtual or a dedicated server needs even more efforts because a lot of time is spent to install and configure the software and hardware platform, and after that test the server so as to warrant its proper operation prior to it being given to the customer. To be able to cover the time spent on that, a number of providers have an installation fee which you need to pay any time you obtain your brand new web hosting package. In some cases, that particular charge will not show up before you reach the payment page and you will not see it before that on your main page next to the website hosting plan characteristics. In the general case, this fee is one-time and it will vary from a small to a significant amount of money depending on the supplier.
Setup Fee in Shared Hosting
Our shared hosting packages don't have any kind of setup costs or any other obscured charges as a general rule. If you order your account, we will process your payment right away and then your account will be created and activated from our system without delay. The overall price that you'll need to pay for the web hosting plan will be identical all around - on the home, order and payment pages, and you will not see or have to pay anything on top of that price any time. This is valid even if you acquire a number of accounts since it is our principle that developing trust is more important than gaining a couple of more dollars. The account activation will be real-time, therefore you're able to proceed and start setting up your websites immediately.
Setup Fee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you get a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, your initial payment is identical to all renewal payments for the next months. We don't have virtually any setup fees, or any hidden fees of any type, for that matter. We value a business relationship based upon mutual trust more than some additional dollars, which means that even if you already have a shared website hosting package here and you want to relocate all your data to a brand new semi-dedicated server, so as to obtain a more powerful web hosting method, we'll do everything for you at no additional charge apart from the regular monthly charge for your new plan. The creation of a semi-dedicated account is nearly fully automatic, therefore we consider that charging you something for that wouldn't be justified.
Setup Fee in VPS Web Hosting
If you choose to acquire a new Virtual Private Server through our company, the overall cost that you will have to pay upon registration is the same both on our home page as well as on your bank statement. We do not charge any type of installation fees or another hidden costs on top of the VPS monthly price. Regardless that the setup takes some time, it is practically fully automatic, so we believe there is no reason to ask you for anything extra for a few more clicks on our end. In case you already have a shared hosting account through us and you order a virtual server equipped with the Hepsia Control Panel, we can transfer all your information and even in this case, we will never require you to pay a dime on top of the regular monthly price for the virtual private server package.
Setup Fee in Dedicated Servers Hosting
Our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages do not have any setup or other hidden charges. Through your signup process, you shall pay just the standard monthly price for the plan that you have picked. Once you submit your order, we will assemble and test your new machine, and then we'll install all the software that you need to have a fully operational server - OS, web hosting Control Panel when you've selected one, web server, MySQL, etc. All of these tasks are a part of the package and they come absolutely free of charge, therefore the registration payment and your forthcoming renewal payments will be identical. If the server is equipped with our custom-built Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you curently have a shared hosting account from our company, we will even move all of your content on your brand new server at no additional charge.